Fall Allergies- Causes and Treatment

Fall Allergies- Causes and Treatment

Ragweed My children and I struggle with seasonal allergies. My daughter seems to be worse during the fall. I haven’t been so bad, once I determined what causes the discomfort for us and what can I do in my home to improve our air quality so we won’t suffer.First you need to have an understanding about allergens.

Seasonal allergies, including fall allergies, affect more than 35 million Americans and cost the U.S. economy more than $7 billion is lost productivity.

What Are The Allergens?

In the late summer and into the fall, weeds pollinate.  One of the main contributors to fall allergies is the ragweed plant. A single plant can produce one billion pollen grains per season.  Their lightweight grains can travel up to 400 miles in the wind.  Check the pollen count each day in your city and state.

On days were it is high, try to stay indoors with the windows closed. Stay inside the hours between 5-10 AM.  After being outside change your clothes and wash them in hot water. Wash your hair if you were outside for any extended time. Wash pets that have been outside, they can carry a ton of pollen inside.

Other Weeds:Goldenrod, curly dock, lamb’s quarters, pigweed, sheep sorrel, and sagebrush, can all cause fall allergies. “Goldenrod blooms at the same time that ragweed does, but it is insect-pollinated as to wind-pollinated and it is not a significant allergen for most individuals.


Indoor and outdoor mold is another cause of fall allergies. The key is to keep it under control. Indoors, maintain your humidity between 30-50% by using dehumidifiers. Purchase a good air purifier. Bathrooms are great places for mold to grow. For mold removal make up a bathroom solution such as:

Tea Tree Sanitizer

2 teaspoons of tea tree oil

2 cups of water

Tea tree oil can be expensive, but a little goes a long ways. If you don’t like the smell of it, although the smell is better then chlorine bleach. You can make up this solution:

Borax-Vinegar Mix1 teaspoon borax

3 Tablespoons of vinegar

2 cups of hot water

Combine is a spray bottle mixed.

Dust Mites:

Dust mites are present all year round. You can limit them in your home with frequent dusting and vacuuming. Use a damp cloth such as a micro-fiber cloth that you can wash.

Start now- Be proactive. If you know you have allergies, consider starting treatment now, before symptoms start. As with pain, it is easier to treat before symptoms are full blown.

Natural Remedies that Work:

I use a Neti pot for regular maintenance. A holistic approach would be to use the ReLeaf Natural Allergy System that can be purchased at a local health foods store. There are two holistic remedies inside the package. The first, Quercetin AllerReLeaf should be taken two months prior to the seasonal allergies (I know a little late) and the other, Allertonic, can be taken right now. It’s made with ingredients like olive oil, bees wax, chlorophyll, and carob, and it’s all certified organic.

There are many ways to attack allergies. Know that you have options and that you shouldn’t suffer with the seasonal symptoms.

Hope your fall is allergy free!

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